

Get Up and Walk Group Coaching 30 Day


Online group coaching. Join with others who have made a decision to get up and live life like never before. We are leaving depression and sadness behind and pursing our God given purpose!


VIsion Board Session


Do you want an unique experience to bring your visions and goals to life. Get a group of your friends together and be intentional about setting your goals and manifesting your BEST life!


Introduction to Mindfulness Course


Mindfulness has the proven ability to help relieve stress, treat heart disease, lower blood pressure, reduce chronic pain, improve sleep, and alleviate gastrointestinal difficulties. Whoa!

Practicing Mindfulness also will help you if you have trouble with your mind drifting often.

 If you live thinking in the past or looking to the future. Mindfulness will direct you to live in the present moment.

Are you ready to receive the tools to help you live in the now? These tools will help you not just live in the now, but live joyfully!


What Clients Are Saying

Coach Cecily has helped me in so many ways. From helping me decide the career path that I chose to follow, to just being a better person overall. She provided me with tools and resources. She is patient, kind, and helpful. She is very dedicated to helping and improving the lives of others.

Michael R.

Coach Cecily has been vital in my journey of healing and bettering myself. She leads and offers resources and suggestions. If you say something may not work for you she will come back with another solution. She has a kind and gentle spirit with a soothing voice.

Karen J.

Coach Cecily establishes high standards and clear goals for herself and others. She has strong communication skills. She is wise, helpful, knowledgeable, and excited to help improve the lives of others.

Jason L.

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